August 08, 2020

【石澳好去處】最齊全的石澳攻略 · 打卡行山燒烤BBQ盡在石澳


0. 石澳交通工具



巴士:從筲箕灣港鐵站 A3 出口出來後,找到自己附近的巴士總站,可乘搭 9 號大巴需要前往石澳。

公共小巴: 由筲箕灣地鐵站 a2出口往石澳的紅色小巴。

1. 石澳影相打卡位

石澳村 - 彩色小鎮

在石澳汽車站下車,在T路口左轉進入石澳村的車道。 沿路,可以看到許多色彩斑斕的傳統民居,新建的建築,每一處都用自己的民居裝扮成獨特的風格。



石澳銀河 - 星空攝影






Shining Stone - 家庭式經營西餐廳







周六至周日13:00 - 22:30



地址: 石澳石澳村452號(穀歌地圖)



林家園位於石澳巴士總站對面和小巴站旁邊, 是遊人的必經之路。牆上貼滿餐牌,任君選擇。





地址: 石澳石澳村742號地下(google map)




如果咁啱想 BBQ 的時候落雨點算呢?原來係石澳有個隱世燒烤樂園,除了可以自助服務形式燒烤之外,也提供純粹租爐購炭的選擇。遇上落雨,都提供極大的有蓋空間,仲唔怕中間會滴水。停雨出沙灘玩,落雨又入返去BBQ,出出入入你話事!





周六10:00 - 00:00

周日10:00 - 23:00

電話: 28094793






營業時間:09:00 - 01:00

電話: 28094880

地址:否。 827(穀歌地圖),G/F,石澳海坑公園,石澳

石澳燒烤 - 免費的燒烤爐




地址: 香港石澳石澳路(google map)

4. 石澳休閒好去處

郊遊登山 - 龍脊


路線:土地灣 --> 打爛埕頂山 --> 龍脊 --> 馬塘坳 --> 大浪灣

需時:3 小時

長度:9.5 公裏




石澳泳灘 - 水清沙幼

香港有遊泳池,除了石奧.石奧遊泳膀胱水質還不錯,太陽還不錯,可以和朋友一起去玩個太陽也沒錯~是親子的好地方,周末沒幾個家長帶孩子玩沙。 海灘附近所有的燒烤場所都值得去!

交通: 在巴士 / 小巴站下車時,可見石澳泳灘


放假想休息就會吃吃喝喝,享受假日的一些愜意,輪器早餐就要到大家樂品嘗"Deluxe Breakfast”!大家樂早餐3款豐盛的選擇,每一款多達7款吃材,分量够大兼有貭素!烤麵包香煎才金黃,微焦脆哪,口感滿分!蕃茄經香煎就更味道!





深圳懶日遊 – 與+食品+沖皮影戲


Posted by: coolpogirl at 08:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 142 words, total size 15 kb.

June 06, 2020


目前,各省已於2015年進入錄取階段,高考錄取通知書也開始陸續送達。 每年這個時候,一些"李鬼”開始炫耀市場,高考舞弊進入易發期和多期。 在此我們提醒考生和家長認真識別各類招生信息,多檢查,增強自我防范和保護意識,避免上當受騙,不給任何作弊機會。




近年來,國家嚴格控制各省的招生計劃,所有招生都按照程序進行。 省招生考試院已通過省招生網站和省內主流媒體及時向社會公開招生工作中的重大事項,招生政策,招生工作流程,錄取結果及相關錄取信息。 各類特殊類型招生將在省招辦或"陽光高考”平台進行公示。 除國家和省規定的關愛政策外,任何人不得享受高校錄取學生的特權;除省級招生外,其他機構不得招收普通高校學生。






考生領取錄取通知書,通過正規渠道查詢錄取結果。 如何識別錄取通知書的真假,有6個提示教你:






根據教育部<高等教育學籍注冊管理規定>,新生入學後需與省招生機構核對信息。 經核查,考生可在學校教育行政部門和學校所在地的登記網上查詢是否取得學籍。 未被省招辦錄取的考生無學籍,無法取得普通高等教育畢業證書,將不進行學籍注冊和學曆電子注冊。 全國普通高校學籍查詢網站。







根據教育部的規定,普通高校的錄取通知書由校長除加蓋大學公章外,並對錄取結果負責。 考生在收到錄取通知書後,可以檢查校長的簽名是否正確,如果沒有簽名,或者簽名錯誤,請小心。 (注:詳情請參閱各大學網站。 )








Posted by: coolpogirl at 07:43 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 44 words, total size 14 kb.

April 23, 2020







牙貼面專家,佢地全新既全瓷牙貼片就可以改善到我而家既煩惱,可以有效又快捷咁幫我將牙仔變白,維持時間亦非常持久 。


Jiaojiu楊潔篪說,通過日常的口腔衛生和牙齒護理,使牙齒恢複原來的顏色,但不是在美白牙齒的效果,嚴格意義上說,"我們平時經常刷牙,注意口腔衛生,使牙齒清潔,所以保持原有牙齒的顏色,它並沒有變得更黃,甚至變黑。縮放可以因為飲食習慣和口腔衛生不引起色素和清除汙垢的地方。縮放牙齒會恢複本色後,似乎並不那么髒。 "












Posted by: coolpogirl at 08:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 22 words, total size 7 kb.

June 18, 2019








白醋美發:用中性洗發水洗發後,用溫水和少量醋沖洗頭發。 20分鍾後,用水沖洗。慢慢地,頭發會變得柔軟,有光澤,黑色和美麗。








今次私心推薦 DermaElements 蝸牛生物纖維面膜推薦的這款保濕急救面膜推薦內含的蝸牛原液均沒有添加香料或酒精等有害化學成分,並採用天然的植物性防腐劑,另外也由於原液成分精簡,致敏原較少,所以適合敏感皮膚使用。







Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 25 words, total size 10 kb.

June 10, 2019


幹角:特別是對辦公室女性來說,眼部保濕凝露是防止幹角開裂的"秘密武器”。只要你覺得不舒服,你可以隨時在眼睛上塗保濕凝露,持續5分鍾左右。使用時,也可以做"小動作”,如順時針和逆時針轉動眼球三次,幫助眼部肌膚更好地吸收保濕液,防止因皮膚幹燥而產生細紋。每兩小時,讓眼睛休息,有效消除幹燥和疲勞,也有助於加強視力。來自日本的DermaElements 穀胱甘肽原液比維他命c精華更高效好用! ,美白好用、去斑產品、抗氧化一 take 過,敏感肌和孕婦都用得,連美容及食療作家 Yoko Tsang 同人氣美容達人葉翠翠都有分享過,就知來頭唔小。



這款的保濕面膜推薦比平常用開的 paper mask 更有重量!除了有好多精華液外,原來面膜的素材也大有來頭!屬 FDA 認可 GRAS,由酵母菌及植物等天然材料經過特別的發酵處理後提取的納米級有機纖維,加上大量水分製成。










Posted by: coolpogirl at 08:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 27 words, total size 7 kb.

May 05, 2017

Want Motivation On Weight Loss?

Want motivation on weight loss? Don’t rely on your willpower!

Controversial advice – I know, but there is psychological proof for it, so please bear with me and I’ll explain.

Most advice you’ll hear about how to get motivated and keep motivated when losing weight (or for any other goal in life actually), will teach you to rely on your will power for the support you need.

You’ve heard it all, right? And did any of the advice work?

You see – the problem with relying just on your will power to get you through the tough times, is that your will power is finite.

Research shows that it’s like a muscle. You over-use it and it fatigues. If you don’t let it rest sufficiently enough to recover, it won’t be much use to you for the rest of the day.

The added problem is that we don’t just use our will power to get us to stick to a weight loss or healthy living plan.

No – we use it all day long. From the moment you stop the alarm in the morning, trying to get out of bed and get ready for the day. Then when we’re getting the kids ready… Then countless times at work… and then back at home in the evenings. Our will power ‘muscle’ is pumped all day long.

No wonder that by the end of the day we collapse on the couch with zero energy. And the next obstacle we face will face zero resistance.

Oreos? Yes please )

Bottom line is that if you have nothing else to fall on to for motivation, you will not succeed at losing weight and more importantly keeping it off.

So what’s the alternative or the solution?

The way to make sure you have weight loss motivation "on tap”, is to use your will power to get you going, and then to form techniques and habits to reinforce and back you up each time you feel you’re wavering.

The techniques are very logical. But making them into a habit, i.e. an action that requires little to no conscious thought on your behalf is not so simple.

But before you run for the hills at the challenge, hear my 5-step system to forming "on tap” motivation. And know that it takes about 30 days of consistent application to start form a habit. Just 30 days!

This 5-step system can be applied to every side of your life – not just weight loss. Imagine if every time you needed to motivate yourself to get something done, or to resist doing something, you can just turn on your motivation "tap”…

So let’s get on with the practical bits. Pay attention – I will only write this once )

Posted by: coolpogirl at 02:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 466 words, total size 3 kb.

April 19, 2017


I must confess to being startled by this proposal. I had not foreseen it. That I should have to do with any woman formed no part of my plans. As I have said, I hated women; I had not forgotten the lesson I had learnt as a lad. Hence the suddenness of his proposal took me somewhat aback.

But I did not betray my feelings. Instead I Neo skin lab walked quietly around the room, occasionally glancing at the two men who watched me closely.

"If I refuse to do this," I said presently, "you will of course make good your claims on Trevanion?"

Both nodded.

"And if I consent, you will in payment Neo skin lab for my services destroy the paper I gave to Prideaux,[Pg 25] give me back the deeds, and forgive the amount you mentioned?"

"I will have papers drawn up to that effect," replied old Peter in honeyed tones. "I will always be a friend to you, and render you any little services in my power. You are but thirty-two. Think what a gay life you could live!"

Posted by: coolpogirl at 02:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 185 words, total size 1 kb.

April 10, 2017

Are You a Sheep in People Clothing?

Many people, who feel that they are independent and communicate well, are actually sheep in disguise. Are you one of them, how do you tell and how do you go about changing if you are?

When you are able to confidently stand on your own two feet, you become in control of your own life. You make decisions based on what is right for you or based on dreams and desires. When you are unable to do this, you start looking around for answers and can easily be lead astray.

People who are being sheep don't stop to find out for themselves what the facts really are. They look to other people for answers and understanding. They want so much to fit in that they deny to themselves who they really are and the divine gifts they have with in.

They are content to be, follow and become what everyone else is doing. They start to think, act, perform like the others and even believe that they like what the others like without question. They don't stop to find out what they like, desire or what their talents are.

Sadly, they can easily be lead into a mob reenex facial mentality and create death, destruction and pain on incident people while following someone else's agenda.

It is important to ask your self:

It what the other person saying true

Could he just be an antagonist with a hidden adgenda

Are these people riding on fear or being irrational

Is what they are saying even logical

Have I checked the facts

Are they looking to blame someone reenex for their own stuff.

Sometimes the other person may be trying to get you to follow there styles, beliefs or philosophies;

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 295 words, total size 2 kb.

March 28, 2017


It was a curious thing, said the reenex private tutor; one of those grotesque and whimsical incidents which occur to one as one goes through life. I lost the best situation which I am ever likely to have through it. But I am glad that I went to Thorpe Place, for I gained—well, as I tell you the story you will learn what I gained.

I don’t know whether you are familiar with that part of the Midlands which is drained by the Avon. It is the most English part of England. Shakespeare, the flower of the whole race, was born right in the middle of it. It is a land of rolling pastures, rising in higher folds to the westward, until they swell into the Malvern Hills. There are no towns, but numerous villages, each with its grey Norman church. You have left the brick of the southern and eastern counties behind you, and everything is stone—stone for the walls, and lichened slabs of stone for the roofs. It is all grim and solid and massive, as befits the heart of a great nation.

It was in the middle of this tr90 country, not very far from Evesham, that Sir John Bollamore lived in the old ancestral home of Thorpe Place, and thither it was that I came to teach his two little sons. Sir John was a widower—his wife had died three years before—and 86he had been left with these two lads aged eight and ten, and one dear little girl of seven. Miss Witherton, who is now my wife, was governess to this little girl. I was tutor to the two boys. Could there be a more obvious prelude to an engagement? She governs me now, and I tutor two little boys of our own. But, there—I have already revealed what it was which I gained in Thorpe Place!

It was a very, very old house, incredibly old—pre-Norman, some of it—and the Bollamores claimed to have lived in that situation nuskin hk since long before the Conquest. It struck a chill to my heart when first I came there, those enormously thick grey walls, the rude crumbling stones, the smell as from a sick animal which exhaled from the rotting plaster of the aged building. But the modern wing was bright and the garden was well kept. No house could be dismal which had a pretty girl inside it and such a show of roses in front.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 413 words, total size 3 kb.

March 17, 2017


There were five bows of ribbon laid out in a row on Tavia’s bureau, each with a cunning little collar of the same attached. Pink, green—real apple green—mauve, tango and orange.
"What under the sun can she be Neo skin lab doing with those?” murmured Dorothy, when she chanced to see them, and touching the pretty bows lightly with her fingers. "Why! Tavia must be going to introduce a new style. Are they ribbon bracelets? How pretty!”
It was the day following the hilarious arrival of "the bad pennies” at Glenwood School, after the railroad bridge had burned and delayed them, and Dorothy herself had met little Celia Moran, the girl from the "Findling.”
Mrs. Pangborn had not yet arrived. She had been delayed by some family difficulty, it was understood, and really, for these first Neo skin lab days of the new term, "things were going every which-way,” as Tavia herself declared.
29 There was a new teacher in charge, too—Miss Olaine. Miss Olaine was tall, and thin, and grim. Tavia declared she looked just like "a sign post on the road to trouble.”
"And you want to be careful you don’t fall under her eye, Tavia,” Cologne had advised. "The girls who have been here through the vacation say she’s a Tartar.”
"Humph!” the headstrong Tavia had declared, "she may be the cream of Tartar, for all I care. I shall take the starch out of her.”
Now, had Dorothy Dale chanced to Neo skin lab hear this reckless promise of her chum she might have been more suspicious of the five pretty ribbon bows. Indeed, she would have been suspicious of every particular thing Tavia said, or did.
But, as it chanced, Miss Olaine seemed no more harsh or forbidding to Dorothy than any other teacher. Dorothy was not one to antagonize the teachers, no matter who they might be.
"Five bows,” murmured Dorothy again. "I wonder just what they can be for? Why, they’re too small, I do believe—those rings are—for Tavia’s wrist—or mine.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 341 words, total size 3 kb.

March 09, 2017

Body Language Counts!

Why communication through body language and appropriate language are crucial to networking success?

I know most people take quick note of someone that has an attitude. By that we mean that they look belligerent, like know-it-alls, and their ego hangs out like a sore thumb. This is not the person you generally want to do business with. That goes for language as well: you do not want to hang with someone that is negative, always plays the victim and always is whining about one thing or another. The fact that body language can work for you if you take time to listen to others is really important. The act of listening changes your body language almost immediately.

So that you can understand what the other  person is saying, you change from aggressive mode to passive mode. This type of body language makes others receptive to you, and they will want to tell their story to you. However, when others want to tell their story, it is important that you gently nudge them in the right direction. You want them to tell you about their business pain, or what is not right with their company. It is through analyzing what they are saying that you will gain bigger insights as to what needs to be remedied, how you can help them with that part of their business. After all, you are at the event to reenex cps pick up solid leads that will give you both profit and relationships that will last for quite some time.

What about language? The kind of language you should be using is: "Will you?", "Have you considered?", "I'll find out how I can help", "I know someone that?", even reiterating what they just said is good.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 294 words, total size 2 kb.

March 08, 2017

The Take-off!

"I just can't start a conversation with women, and it's killing me. I'll see a female who I've been making good eye contact with, but I'm ielts speaking too shy to talk to her. Later when I'm at home I yell at myself for not trying. I know they're not all going to come to me. It really bothers me that I'm so shy. I'm really afraid that if this keeps up I'll miss my chance to find my one true love. "

Racing of the heart, a rise in body temperature, hot flushes, churning stomach and a funny feeling that you want to run away from that place... these are the symptoms of shyness! These shy people appear when they appear on stage... actors and actresses... they perform brillianly but when it comes to personal life they are introverts.

Similarly when performing in a group, while singing songs in a group, our shyness makes us lower our voice so that our singing may not union hospital hair transplant be heard outside. But once the shyness is got over we may be the loudest in the group! Similarly when a performer of a show requests the audience to clap, how many of us would be ready to clap loudly along with the music? Shyness prevents us from doing so and that is because we imagine that others are better than us.

Some find it difficult to do something as simple as smile and say "hello" to someone. If they don't tend to smile easily, they are afraid to "force" a smile out of the subconscious fear that it will be seen as "phony" by others. Studies say that the Mattress first thing women looks on men is the smile and laugh!

Once we start imagining that we are equal to others in all apsects this shyness would be gone. It may be a slow and steady progress but its worth all the efforts!

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 326 words, total size 2 kb.

January 25, 2017

Embracing a Cancer Prevention Diet

1. Low fat diet
It is a well-known fact that obesity is a culprit in causing serious illnesses, cancer being one of them. Reducing the intake of fatty food items like butter and cheese can help you limit the
amount of calories you consume everyday and also contribute to a healthier you.

2. Eat vegetables and fruits
Including fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet can supply your body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins, which will not only build your immunity levels but also help you fight
infections and cancer. It also, automatically, reduces your appetite for junk and fatty food. Consuming cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, apples etc on a daily basis can prove to be great for your overall health.

3. Avoid meat
Adopting a green diet and giving up meat especially processed meat will be an important step towards embracing a diet that can help you preclude cancer. Eating meat is known to increase the
risk of colon cancer. Slowly, can try your best to turn into a vegetarian.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 178 words, total size 1 kb.

December 14, 2016

Everyday This Work Week

Here are 5 quick tips to make this a confident week:

1. Sit up! Set your alarm to go off 3 PolyU Weibo times throughout the day to check in with your posture. Body language is one the quickest ways to bolster instant confidence.

2. Get to know someone new. Have lunch this week with someone in your office that you don’t normally hang out with. Breaking your routine allows you to jump out of your comfort zone which is a fantastic catalyst for self confidence reenex facial breakthroughs.

3. Work it out – sitting at your office, or standing at your job is often very sedentary and mundane. So make a point to get some exercise during the day – whether it be a brisk walk for part of your lunch, or a quick work out in before you get there. Exercise fills the body with endorphins that create positive energy that you will be projecting throughout the day. You’ll be amazed how much you get back in return. Good health is not just an integral part of living well – it also happens to be an instant confidence booster.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 195 words, total size 2 kb.

December 12, 2016

See Yourself More Clearly

Mirror, Mirror

Psychologists call it perseverating: "To repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased." Our subconscious minds cause us to obsess—perseverate—about people who mirror something in ourselves that needs our attention. I often marvel as clients bewail the very things in others that reflect their own actions. For example:

"I can't believe my kid has been smoking pot—I'm so upset, I've had to double my anxiety medication."

"My boss is incredibly secretive. It's so unhealthy—she's creating a culture of concealment. But don't tell anyone I said so."

"I wish I could get my sister to stop tearing herself down. I mean, she's not a total freaking loser like me."

From the outside, it's obvious these statements are masterpieces of self-referential thinking. But when we're the ones perseverating, we don't realize we're looking at human mirrors. So I devised the following exercise, which I call Epistles of Perseveration. It can help puncture denial and make the changes your subconscious mind knows are most important for you, right now.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 180 words, total size 1 kb.

December 08, 2016


The incidents related in this chapter took place a few years back during a certain man?uvre season, and for obvious reasons it is impossible to indicate the men, forces concerned, or locality more closely than that. The forces concerned were an army corps advancing from the south, and one advancing from the north, toward each other, with a view to trying conclusions under man?uvre conditions. The story concerns scouts of the blue force, advancing ifco deco from the north—it was one of these scouts of the blue force who told the story. It must not be taken as a typical story of army life, for the circumstances under which these men were placed were exceptional, agreeably so; it is, however, sufficiently typical for relation, in that it embodies things actually accomplished by soldiers of the Army of the Republic. Like most things that happen both in man?uvres and in war, it could never happen again.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 04:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 159 words, total size 1 kb.

November 24, 2016

Helps You To Succeed and Grow

1. Decide you want to bounce back. The power of intention is amazing, and the simple, conscious decision or desire to bounce back will make it far easier for you to do so. When you decide you want to do something and spend a little time visualizing, parts of your subconscious, intuition and conscious mind all start working together towards that goal—it’s the power of positive thinking at work. Even if you have no idea how you will do it, why not start by telling yourself that you’d like to bounce back from this failure? How you speak to yourself is so important.

2. When you fail at something, it isn’t about you. Well, in a way it is, but it isn’t about your core personality, humanity or your soul. It’s much harder to bounce back when you take failure to heart too much and make it about your value as a person. Your importance to those who love you does not change when you fail; your potential to make a difference in the lives of those around you does not change. If anything, your potential increases with every failure experience you have, since the most painful events in life often give us the most valuable experiences and dramatic growth. Experiencing failure makes us more compassionate, and that also increases our capacity to make a difference in the world.

How can you make sure you don’t take failure too personally? Remind yourself—literally, tell yourself—that deep down, you are still you. The failure was just a thing that happened, like a hundred other things that have happened to you. Maybe you did some things that didn’t work out, but if you compared notes with every ridiculously successful person out there, you’d find they all have similar stories to tell. Since you survived, you can still thrive!

Posted by: coolpogirl at 06:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 311 words, total size 2 kb.

November 08, 2016















Posted by: coolpogirl at 04:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 8 words, total size 6 kb.

August 04, 2016

Easy To Maintain Is Your Style: 6 Things Only Girls Who Hate Dressing Up Understand

1. You don’t have the time.
Dressing up is hard work. You have to do your hair, put on makeup and figure out what the heck you’re going to wear, and it usually involves uncomfortable footwear. You prefer to dress for the entire day; wearing an outfit that can easily transition from daywear to nightwear. You like to keep your morning routine simple. You usually shower and throw on a pair of workout leggings and a comfy T-shirt. You usually don’t even bother with your contacts. Wearing your chic eyeglasses is so much easier.

2. You’d rather just stay in and watch Netflix if you know that going out means wearing high heels.
High heels look great but they wreak havoc on your feet all night long. How can you enjoy yourself when you’re wincing in pain with every step? You marvel at the girls walking confidently in their heels and secretly think that they must have some kind of superpower to be able to walk like that while strapped into those pain machines all night.

3. Figuring out what shoes to wear with an outfit is actually really really hard.
You don’t want to clash but you don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard, and you still want to be comfy. Rather than deal with the struggle, you just slip on the Birkenstocks that you’ve worn for the past six years that go with everything and move on with your day.

4. You love simplicity.
You don’t really own or wear that many accessories or the accessories you do own are basically stashed away and collecting dust. You usually wear a few sentimental pieces of jewelry 90% of the time and only touch your other pieces when you’re feeling particularly adventurous. More often than not, the eyeglasses you own tend to be your only accessory. The good thing is, if you remember any episode of America’s Next Top Model, over-accessorizing is white noise for one’s look. Keep your pallet simple, and let your self be the star, not your bangles.

5. You basically live in your yoga pants.
Yoga pants are mankind’s greatest invention. They’re super comfy, stretchy and don’t dig into your skin like jeans do. Yoga pants are perfect for everything: running errands, doing laundry, going to class, hanging out with friends, working out, or just vegging on the couch and watching Netflix. It’s guaranteed you’ll be perfectly comfortable all day long in your yoga pants.

6. When you do dress up, you feel really awkward.
You’re so used to wearing comfy clothes that when you finally have an obligation to dress up, you feel really weird. But also, you really dig it. You’re reveling in the compliments. "I should do this more often,” you think. But then when you remember how much work it was to get ready, it immediately gives you a headache. You’ll just stick to your usual low-key style.

Girls who hate dressing up don’t like to hide behind clothes and makeup. We like to be genuine and be ourselves all the time. So keep rocking that low-key style and remember that our comfy fashion shows that we’re comfortable with ourselves and are laid-back but still confident and fun.

Posted by: coolpogirl at 04:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 553 words, total size 4 kb.

June 22, 2011

LED lighting adjusts

Along with give out light the diode technical development, LED illuminates because of its longevity life, low achievement consume and the color can control to wait aspect of advantage more...

Posted by: coolpogirl at 03:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1088 words, total size 7 kb.

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